
Hi! I'm Mark, creator of Swim Teach

I've been teaching swimming for over 30 years and I built Swim Teach so that I can share all my knowledge, wisdom and experience from the thousands of swimming lessons I have had the pleasure of teaching. Take a look back through my previous newsletters and see what you missed.

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How To Teach Adults To Swim and Why It Is Different To Teaching Children.

Teaching adults to swim is very different from teaching children. Whilst some of the methods are similar, the approach is completely different. Hi, Mark here. I hope all is well with you. This week, I am talking about adults learning to swim and how a swimming teacher can adjust their teaching style to help. Adults will arrive at the poolside in all shapes and sizes and with different confidence levels. However, one thing that they will all have in common is that they will all appreciate a...

How do I float and why do I sink? It's a question commonly asked by beginners learning how to swim. Hi, Mark here. Hope all is well with you. This week, we are talking about why we sink. Scroll down and discover the science behind floating and sinking and how it may help you understand more and even help you stay afloat when you swim. Firstly, for swimming teachers, I have a lesson plan for teaching floating and gliding. Teach Your Pupils How To Stay Afloat. The 'floating and gliding' lesson...

Calling all swimming teachers! How ready are you for the summer ahead? How well-planned are you? Have you got any lesson plans at all? Hi, Mark here. Hope you’re well and that you’ve had a great week. This week, we take a detailed look at exactly what a successful swimming lesson should include, I give you a free blank template for your own use, and a link to 101 lesson plans in 1 downloadable document. Scroll down to find all the links you need. Most swimming lessons have some important...

Does your confidence fall apart at the thought of swimming in the deep end? It's a common problem, but it can be overcome. Also, I have everything a beginner swimmer could possibly need to help support your swimming lessons. Hi, Mark here. I hope this email finds you well. In this edition of Swim Teach News, I offer you a possible solution to the common swimming fear - the fear of deep water. Unlock Confidence In The Deep End The most common reason for having any anxiety when it comes to...

One of the most common questions I get asked by adult swimmers is 'why do I get so tired swimming front crawl? Hi, Mark here. I hope all is well with you and your loved ones. The summer holidays will soon be here and swimming in the sunshine will be in the main activity for many. Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise but it is easy to become despondent when we get tired so easily and end up giving up. This week I thought I would give you some tips and support with getting tired so...

Teaching children how to swim can be a frustrating process, especially if they scared or anxious. That is, until you turn it all into a game! Hi, Mark here. I hope all is well with you. My popular book 'Teach Your Child To Swim Through Games and Play' uses games to teach all of the essential basics of swimming. Use the power of play to teach basic swimming skills to your children. Teaching them to swim could not be easier! Click here or the cover image below for a preview. Amazon Review...

'Why do I get so out of breath when I swim?' - one of the most commonly asked questions in the pool. There are 2 very common breathing mistakes that many beginners learning to swim are guilty of. Hi, Mark here. I hope you've had a great week. When it comes to breathing technique, whichever swimming stroke is being attempted, there are two common mistakes that many adults make. Breath-holding Breathing too late What happens when you hold your breath? Breath-holding is an unnatural act for a...

Are you getting out of breath long before you think you should be? Which breathing technique is the right one for you? Also, swimming teachers, the definitive guide to teaching outstanding swimming lessons is here. Grab your copy today! Hi, Mark here. I hope all is well with you. This week we are talking about breathing techniques. I've been asked a lot of questions lately about breathing techniques. Questions like how, when, how often and why do I get out of breath so easily? Let's dive in...

How do I float? Why do I get so tired? Am I too old? As a beginner learning to swim, you have many unanswered questions, and as a teacher, you are constantly being asked them. There are a few that get asked more than others. Hi, Mark here. How are you? I hope all is well. How can I stand up mid-swim? How can I swim without getting tired? How Do I Float? These are just some of the most common questions I get asked. I have listed the most common questions and links to more detailed answers. I...

Are you a beginner? A boost to your confidence will skyrocket your swimming abilities. Are you a swimming teacher? Check out a confidence-boosting lesson plan. Hi, Mark here. I hope that you’ve had a great week and all is well. I am starting the week off with some confidence boosting. This week, I am covering the basics of learning to swim that need to be tackled before fine-tuning any actual swimming technique. Essential Confidence Boosters For Beginners 1. Discover your level of buoyancy...