Burning Questions From Beginners Learning How To Swim

How do I float? Why do I get so tired? Am I too old? As a beginner learning to swim, you have many unanswered questions, and as a teacher, you are constantly being asked them. There are a few that get asked more than others.

Hi, Mark here. How are you? I hope all is well.

How can I stand up mid-swim? How can I swim without getting tired? How Do I Float? These are just some of the most common questions I get asked. I have listed the most common questions and links to more detailed answers. I hope you can relate to these and find the answers useful.

The answers to the following questions and more can be found in my best-selling book, The Complete Beginners Guide To Swimming. Click here for more or to download your copy.

How Do I Float?

This is one of the most common swimming questions asked.

Floating is a characteristic of your body. Either you float well, or you do not. In general, lean, muscular people tend to sink, and people with a higher body fat percentage will float. That does not mean that you cannot learn to swim if you do not float well. Here are my tips for floating when learning to swim.

Learning To Swim At This Age. Am I Too Old?

Never! Anyone can learn to swim at any age. Where you start will depend on how comfortable or uncomfortable you are in the water. I gave a detailed answer to a 65-year-old lady asking the very same question.

How Can I Conquer My Fear Of Deep Water?

Become confident with submerging underwater first. Practice in water of standing depth with your feet on the pool floor and your feet lifted off the pool floor. Keep in mind that the water is trying to support you, not pull you down. Here are some simple exercises for conquering a fear of deep water.

How Do I Stop And Stand Up When Swimming?

A simultaneous movement of the arms and legs is needed here.

The arms pull down through the water, and the knees bend forward before the feet are placed on the pool floor. A common mistake is to arch the back and lift the head without moving the arms or legs. Here is a detailed explanation with a simple diagram showing how to stand up in the pool after swimming.

Can I Learn To Swim With My Head Above The Water?

Yes certainly. It is preferable to learn how to submerge and breathe when learning to swim. This enhances confidence in all areas of swimming. However, a recreational type of breaststroke where the head remains above the water surface can be used. Technically, this type of breaststroke is not very efficient, but it is commonly swum. Here is my detailed answer when asked this question.

How Can I Swim Without Getting Tired?

This depends firstly on your fitness level. Secondly, on which swimming stroke you are swimming because some swimming strokes are physically more demanding than others. For example, front crawl is more intense than breaststroke, but whatever the stroke, the correct swimming technique will ensure you swim through the water with maximum efficiency, using the minimum energy. Click here for a detailed explanation.

Where Can I Find More Help and Support?

One of my best-selling books is 'The Complete Beginners Guide To Swimming'. It has all the tips, tricks, and help you could possibly need to support your swimming lessons and your time in the water. Click on the image below or this link here to find out more.

That's it for this week. Stay focused, stay in touch and stay safe.

Happy swimming!



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Hi! I'm Mark, creator of Swim Teach

I've been teaching swimming for over 30 years and I built Swim Teach so that I can share all my knowledge, wisdom and experience from the thousands of swimming lessons I have had the pleasure of teaching. Take a look back through my previous newsletters and see what you missed.

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