Why Treading Water Is An Essential Confidence Boosting Skill plus, Become a More Outstanding Swimming Teacher

Can you tread water? How often does it feature in your lessons? Treading water is an important skill to learn for many reasons. Also, this week, fine-tune your teaching practice to be even more outstanding!

Hi, Mark here. I hope you've had a great week.

This week, we are talking treading water and I give you a free printable download that explains everything you need to know.

But first...

Calling all Swimming Teachers!

Have you seen my definitive guide to teaching outstanding swimming lessons?

My very popular book How To Be A Swimming Teacher is packed with tips and helpful guidance. Inside you will discover:

  • the essential qualities that make an outstanding swimming teacher
  • how to deal with parents
  • how to teach the all-important basics such as floating, breathing and submerging
  • how to plan and prepare swimming lessons that get results
  • why teaching adults is different and how to approach it
  • a detailed breakdown of all four basic swimming strokes
  • over 80 fully illustrated basic teaching drills containing diagrams, teaching points and common mistakes

This really is the definitive guide to being an outstanding swimming teacher.

Click here, or click the cover for a preview, including a full list of the contents. Discover the tools to help you master your profession and deliver outstanding swimming lessons.. Click here or the button below to purchase your copy.

Give Your Confidence A Boost - Learn How To Tread Water

Treading water is an important skill to learn. First off, it is an essential part of water safety and personal survival. On top of that, it boosts confidence, particularly when swimming in deep water. Anything that boosts confidence can only be good!

Check out my printable download for the finer details about how to tread water and how to teach treading water by clicking here or download your printable by clicking the link below.

That's it for this week. Take care and stay safe.

Happy swimming!



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Hi! I'm Mark, creator of Swim Teach

I've been teaching swimming for over 30 years and I built Swim Teach so that I can share all my knowledge, wisdom and experience from the thousands of swimming lessons I have had the pleasure of teaching. Take a look back through my previous newsletters and see what you missed.

Read more from Hi! I'm Mark, creator of Swim Teach

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