There IS a way to swim front crawl without getting so tired.

One of the most common questions I get asked by adult swimmers is 'why do I get so tired swimming front crawl?

Hi, Mark here. Happy new year! I hope all is well with you and your loved ones.

It’s that time of the year for new beginnings and starting over. It is also the time of year where we set ourselves new goals and do our best to stick to them. Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise but it is easy to become despondent when we get tired so easily and end up giving up.

I thought I would start the new year off with some tips and support with getting tired so easily - specifically when swimming front crawl, as that is one of the most common questions I get asked.

The other question I get asked is 'I can't do the breathing for front crawl. Could you give me some tips please?' Adults often assume that their breathing technique is the reason that they get so tired. But there is a whole lot more to front crawl stamina than just the breathing technique. The timing of each breath is also important and how it fits into the coordination of the arm pull and leg kick movements.

A gentleman contacted me with this question:

I have a question about breathing while doing front crawl. In the lane swim tonight I found out that several of us are having a similar problem -- ending up totally winded before we've done two lengths, even though we're in the pool often and aren't complaining of tired arms and legs.

There was a lot more to his question and I gave him a very detailed answer, explaining about body shape, trickle breathing and overall fitness. Click here to take a look at his question and my answer.

For a full set of basic drills with technique tips and common mistakes, covering each separate part of front crawl technique, download my ebook ‘How To Swim Front Crawl’ by clicking here.

Teaching Front Crawl Made Easy

Head over to my swimming teachers resources section and disover all the tools you need to make your front crawl lessons professional, progressive and outstanding. Click through and you will find:

  • my ‘How To Teach Front Crawl’ ebook
  • ready-made lesson plans
  • basic drills
  • loads more!

That's it for now. Have a great week.

Happy swimming!



Swim Teach

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Hi! I'm Mark, creator of Swim Teach

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