How’s Your Front Crawl Arm Technique? Try This Basic Drill, Plus A Lesson Plan For Teachers

Front crawl arm technique needs to be smooth, streamlined and continuous. The arms must also move in perfect harmony with the rest of the swimming stroke.

Hi, Mark here. I hope you’ve had a great week.

In this edition of Swim Teach News we are looking at front crawl arm technique and a basic exercise to help practice and fine-tune the movement. If you're a teacher, I have a lesson plan that will help beginners master the basics of the arm action - scroll down to find it.

Arm pull technique using a kickboard.

A great exercise to try out is a single arm practice holding a kickboard in one hand. This practice allows you to develop arm technique whilst maintaining body position and leg kick. Holding a kickboard with one hand gives you the security of some buoyancy and and allows you to focus on a single arm. (By the way, if you want more drills to help fine-tune other parts of your front crawl, click here.)

Key Actions

Keep your fingers together

Pull hard under the water

Brush your hand past your thigh

Elbow exits the water first

Reach over the water surface

Finger and thumb enter the water first

Technical Focus

Fingertips enter first with thumb side down

Fingers should be together

Pull should be either an elongated ‘S’ shape

Pull through to the hips

Elbow exits the water first

Fingers clear the water on recovery

Common Faults

Fingers are apart

Pull is short and not to the thigh

Lack of power in the pull

Arm pull is too deep underwater

Arms are too straight on recovery

For a more detailed look at Front Crawl arm action and exactly how it should be performed, click the link below.

Show me MORE about Front Crawl Arm Technique.

Front crawl arms - basic lesson plan

Here I give you a swimming lesson plan dedicated just to the basics of front crawl arms. After the warm-up, the main part of the lesson takes a beginner from the very beginnings of learning the arm pull, through a process of exercises that gradually build on the previous one. The overall lesson duration is around 30 minutes, but you can tailor it to suit your classes and pupils. Click here or the image below to find more front crawl lesson plans like this one.

Want More Swimming Lesson Plans Like This One?

'101 Swimming Lesson Plans For Swimming Teachers' is my extremely popular book that gives you exactly what it says on the cover. Every swimming lesson plan you could possibly need. Click here to grab your copy.

That's it for this week. Stay focused, stay in touch and stay safe.

Happy swimming!



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Hi! I'm Mark, creator of Swim Teach

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